Monday, January 10, 2011

Vegan Travel

People are always very curious on the nuts and bolts of a vegan lifestyle. What do you eat? What do you do when you travel? I was born in Thailand, and that pretty much set the stage for my life. I've lived in Bangladesh, have been on four round the world trips, traveled extensively in Asia, lived in all Canadian provinces west of Quebec, plus Idaho, Washington and Texas. When I'm not traveling, I'm dreaming about traveling. In 2010 alone, I (we) were on four airline trips, two of which were across North America. Not great for the environment, but good for scratching the itch. One might think that being a vegan while traveling might be the world's biggest pain in the ass. Turns out that one of my biggest fears has become one of the very best things about this lifestyle. Here's why!

Christina, circa 2004

Road trip! When hungry, we'll stop at a fast food place off the highway. Mmmm. When we stop
for the night, we enjoy a fine dining experience at East Side Marios. Not that great, but lots food and an atmosphere that says "you know what to expect". It's close to the hotel, and we don't have to worry about any uncomfortable situations like getting lost or having to dig out the high school french! Road snacks include gas station hot dogs and packaged cheese and pepporonis.

Please note, photo is not of an actual road trip. I just like to shamelessly plug my self and friends looking cute in our early 20s.

circa 2010

I'm a mother! There are two little children along for the journey. I've finally found my sense of adventure and my ability to be prepared! I cook healthy food the day before that travels well. High protien sandwiches, tofu nuggets, tabbouleh salad, fresh fruits and nuts, and cookies or muffins. Before I left, I visited and wrote some addresses of veg friendly restaurants in the cities we'd pass through. We program our GPS and in we go! Great chance to stretch our legs and explore a new place. We have eaten at some truly incredible restaurants and drove through the most amazing neighborhoods. One of my favorite things to do is check out architecture in other locations. House porn!
One of the standouts for me was Beets cafe in Austin Texas. Beets is a totally raw menu, and I was able to try some fancy and delicious new cuisine. Even if you don't eat vegetarian, I urge you to go out of your comfort zone more often when travelling! I lament often on my things I've missed out on because I was afraid to try.

I wanted to share with you a clip from the cooking chanel. I found it through the, which is also pretty awesome. This episode features Austin Texas and Beets cafe! Ch-ch-check it out, and poke around while you're there. I love the blog about being Vegan in a zombie apocalypse!


  1. I have got to get down to Austin more. We're planning on making more southbound trips this spring... They just have so many good spots for vegans to chow down while on the road.

    RYN: You do have a sweet tooth, eh? :)

  2. RYN: I got my cast iron grill pan from a military surplus store for $6 new. Do you guys have those up there? And, better yet, is one with ties to the military industrial complex better or worse than one previously seasoned with meat? :\

  3. Haa, good point. My hubby is military, so he would probably be all over going to check out military surplus. Tough call!
